Press-release about new possibilities of online-service "Special search of judicial practice"
New features of the online-service of ConsultantPlus "Special search of judicial practice".02.09.2019
New online-version "ConsultantPlus: Student" - all necessary for study.
"Contract Designer" - online service on drawing up and verification of contracts in system.ConsultantPlus - contains now additional documents to contracts.
The Consultant Plus Company presented a new product for lawyers - "Changes in regulation of contracts" which will allow to monitor changes on the interesting contracts for a certain period.
The Consultant Plus company released a new product for lawyers "Prospects and risks of litigation". The innovation will help experts to predict the result of litigation.
In noncommercial mobile applications "ConsultantPlus: Main documents" and "ConsultantPlus: The student" it is possible to specify quickly results of advanced search or the list of documents with a mention of norm on button i now.
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin expressed his gratitude to Dmitry Novikov, chairman of the Board of Directors of ConsultantPlus. The President noted the great contribution of D. B. Novikov to the development of jurisprudence and constitutional legislation.
"The constructor of contracts" service in System ConsultantPlus is complemented with new type of the contract - transportation of goods by the motor transport. By means of the designer to understand features of this contract and competently it will be much simpler to make it.
The Consultant Plus company has released the Constructor of accounting policies for budgetary organizations. This service to drawing up and check of accounting policies is available free of charge to all users of LRS ConsultantPlus.
Labor protection and fire safety at offices and shopping centers - new product of ConsultantPlus
The ConsultantPlus company has released a new product "NTA on labor protection and fire safety at offices and shopping center".12.10.2018
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