Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

The "Accounting Policy Constructor" in the ConsultantPlus system now includes an "Accounting Policy for Healthcare Institutions for Financial (Budgetary) Accounting Purposes." The constructor helps organizations in this sector create an accounting policy from scratch or verify an existing document for compliance with current legislation.


The "Accounting Policy Constructor" now includes accounting policies for 2025 tailored for commercial and budgetary organizations. These policies incorporate all legislative changes required for the new year.

The "Contract Constructor" – a service for drafting and reviewing contracts in the ConsultantPlus system – now includes a Regulation on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data of Employees and Other Individuals. The Constructor will help you understand the specifics of this document and draft it by selecting the necessary provisions.

In November 2024, ConsultantPlus introduced new features that make working with the system even more convenient. Now, it's easier and faster to find the necessary information and address your needs.


The ConsultantPlus system has been updated with 100 new instructions for drafting common contracts: employment contracts, apprenticeship agreements, work contracts, loan agreements, service contracts, supply contracts, and more. Additionally, instructions for drafting internal regulatory documents, such as workplace rules and wage and bonus policies, have been prepared.

About the company

The "Business Consulting-LabIT" company carries out sale, installation and service of legal-reference systems ConsultantPlus at the enterprises of Surgut and the Surgut district, and also Moscow and the Moscow region since 1992. On our website it is possible to find all potential which the legal-reference system the Consultant Plus and full information on how to buy LRS "ConsultantPlus" in Surgut or in Moscow has. Besides, together with our business partner we hold seminars where real situations against which heads, users of the "ConsultantPlus", accountants, lawyers, personnel workers come up in the work are analyzed.

Legal-reference system "ConsultantPlus"

All data in system "ConsultantPlus" in 2017 are divided into several sections. Here the legislation of Russia, comments, personnel and financial consultations, and also consultations for the organizations state employees join. Besides, legal acts of a health system, jurisprudence, acts of international law. Also in the Consultant Plus forms of documents are given, there is a section by technical rules and norms. It is possible to see the main headings and subsections in program demoversions and if to buy the "ConsultantPlus", it is possible to study this system most in detail. Thus, the LRS "ConsultantPlus" helps to monitor changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, to specify any forms of documents, to read consultations of experts in the field of the taxation, accounting and the right.

How to buy the "ConsultantPlus" 

On the website of our company it is possible to know how to buy the full version the "ConsultantPlus" – to order the urgent price list on delivery and service of LRS. 

You can also order the free presentation of the "ConsultantPlus" in Surgut or in Moscow, and to your office there will arrive at any time convenient for you our manager who before buying system, will install the demonstration version (demo) systems "ConsultantPlus" on your computer.