Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

About education

Training in work with systems ConsultantPlus - a basis of effective decisions!

Become the professional in work with Legal-Reference Systems ConsultantPlus!

In practice of the experts working with legal information often there are various questions and situations for which permission it is necessary to estimate a condition of a legal problem, to analyse various options of actions and to make an optimal solution.

In similar cases the irreplaceable assistant is the program complex ConsultantPlus which allows to study a number of documents: legal acts, comments to them to examine jurisprudence or to get accounting advice, and finally thoroughly to understand a situation.

Sure possession of LRS ConsultantPlus as the effective and reliable tool for work with legal information, considerably simplifies the solution of the current questions.

As a rule, independent studying of software products demands considerable time expenditure therefore that you could master successfully the basic principles of work with LRS ConsultantPlus, specialists of the Educational and methodical Center of our company have developed the special program of training.

At seminars of training in work with systems ConsultantPlus as examples real situations are used that allows to study easily and more effectively properties of system. On the one hand, training fixes and expands already available skills of work with legal information, and on the other hand, ensures the successful development of the LRS Consultant by beginners.

Having attended our seminars, you will be able:

  • to receive skills of exact and fast search of the documents interesting for you;
  • to learn ways of the deep analysis, both to separate documents, and a legal problem in general;
  • to receive new tools for saving the results of your work and preparation of own documents;
  • to master the updated interface and also to know a lot of new and useful for your work.

The novice user and also the user who already has experience with systems ConsultantPlus can be trained. You are offered to choose the most convenient option of training!

  1. Individual training at your workplace, at any time convenient for you.
  2. Complex training allows you to be trained in specially created computer class at the Educational and methodical Center of our company.

After the end of training you will receive the personalized Certificate confirming ability to work with LRS ConsultantPlus.