Bulletin of the user of LRS ConsultantPlus
Since 1995 company "Consultant Plus" publishes and distributes free of charge among the users the monthly information Bulletin ConsultantPlus. On its pages you can find information about most important changes of the legislation, about new receipts in system ConsultantPlus and also information about system innovations, interesting events of ConsultantPlus Network, and the most important – a practical advice on application of opportunities of system ConsultantPlus in practical work.
In the Bulletin regularly publishes the opinions of experts – the leading experts in the various fields of activity on relevant issues and provides the statements of users of the Consultant on the work with the system.
In 2007 the Bulletin ConsultantPlus participated in the competition "The Best Corporate Media — 2007" and became the winner of a competition in the "Prize of Spectator Sympathies" nomination. Circulation of Bulletin ConsultantPlus – more than 400 000 pieces.
The bulletin is delivered monthly to a workplace of users of LRS ConsultantPlus by the information service manager.
To obtain detailed information about Bulletin ConsultantPlus, and in case of need it is possible to order his delivery by phone: +7 (495) 781-07-83.