Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus


Free presentation of LRS ConsultantPlus!

Contact to our company and order a FREE presentation of LRS ConsultantPlus.To your office there will arrive at any time convenient for you our manager who will install the demonstration version * of Systems ConsultantPlus on your computer, thanks to which you:

  1. Will get a complete view of all possibilities of ConsultantPlus. Will see what are the benefits of system ConsultantPlus compared to other sources of information - newspapers and magazines. Will feel what concrete benefits it will bring to You.
  2. Will make sure that LRS ConsultantPlus contains all necessary documents, even those which aren't published in the press, but which are necessary for You in work.
  3. Will see how with the help of ConsultantPlus it is possible to find easily and quickly any documents necessary to You.
  4. You will personally work with LRS ConsultantPlus and you will feel as far as it is simple and convenient.
  5. Will get acquainted with Legal-reference System which use Bodies of authority and management, including the tax inspections and also hundreds of thousands of commercial organizations for all Russia.

The manager of LLC "Business Consulting — LabIT" will create a set of systems ConsultantPlus, necessary for Your organization, will acquaint with the offered service.


*Demonstration version of LRS ConsultantPlus — an analog of the working version in which presented the full list of all documents which are contained in system. More than 1 000 documents are included with texts. 


Contact to us by multichannel phones:

in Moscow: +7(495) 781-07-83 or +7(495) 781-07-84

in Surgut: +7(3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26, 45-62-24, 45-66-97

or fill the form of the application enclosed below and we will contact you in the nearest future!