Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus


The "Accounting Policy Constructor" in the ConsultantPlus system now includes an "Accounting Policy for Healthcare Institutions for Financial (Budgetary) Accounting Purposes." The constructor helps organizations in this sector create an accounting policy from scratch or verify an existing document for compliance with current legislation.

The "Accounting Policy Constructor" now includes accounting policies for 2025 tailored for commercial and budgetary organizations. These policies incorporate all legislative changes required for the new year.

The "Contract Constructor" – a service for drafting and reviewing contracts in the ConsultantPlus system – now includes a Regulation on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data of Employees and Other Individuals. The Constructor will help you understand the specifics of this document and draft it by selecting the necessary provisions.

In November 2024, ConsultantPlus introduced new features that make working with the system even more convenient. Now, it's easier and faster to find the necessary information and address your needs.

The ConsultantPlus system has been updated with 100 new instructions for drafting common contracts: employment contracts, apprenticeship agreements, work contracts, loan agreements, service contracts, supply contracts, and more. Additionally, instructions for drafting internal regulatory documents, such as workplace rules and wage and bonus policies, have been prepared.

Users of the ConsultantPlus legal reference system can now work with their online package in the "ConsultantPlus" mobile app on their smartphone or tablet. The ConsultantPlus system will always be at your fingertips — even if you're not in the office and need to quickly check the text of a legal act, court decision, consultation, or ready-made solution.


At the end of july, the ConsultantPlus legal reference system was updated. It is now even more convenient to work with Quick search, analyze court practice, and the Search card has been enhanced with convenient tabs for switching between sections.

ConsultantPlus has released three new products on popular topics that raise many questions among professionals.

ConsultantPlus has released a new product for lawyers focusing on administrative liability and inspections. Despite the current moratorium on inspections, the issues of holding organizations and their officials accountable for violations, as well as the topic of inspections by government agencies, remain relevant.

ConsultantPlus has released a new product on the extensive and important topic of state and municipal procurement under Law No. 44-FZ (Federal Law) - "Ready-Made Solutions (Pro). State Procurement (44-FZ (Federal Law)."

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