Service "Line of Consultations" includes selection, analysis and providing information and also the standard and consulting materials prepared with use of materials of System ConsultantPlus concerning the Client only on the basis of information obtained from him. Service "Line of Consultations" is provided to Clients of LLC "Business Consulting-LAbIT" within the existing contract providing maintenance of the Copy of Systems ConsultantPlus has help character, makes the final decision on the question Client independently. |
Service "Line of consultations" is:
- written answer to the formalized Client's question of the taxation, accounting found in information and materials included in system ConsultantPlus;
- selection and providing information and also the standard and consulting materials included in System ConsultantPlus.
Service is provided
- by written question of the Client - through LRS ConsultantPlus by means of the "Ask a question to the expert" button or by e-mail:
Fields (subject) of consultation:
- Taxation
- Accounting
- Labour law (the labour code of Russian Federation, explanations of the Federal authorities)
- Civil relations (general part, contract law)
"Line of Consultations" hasn't provided consideration of questions of other subjects, for example
- Budgetary account, bank and insurance business
- Foreign economic activity
- customs legislation
- migration registration
- state procurement
- construction
- international law
- International financial reporting standards
- standard regulation of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, etc.
- unformalized questions and/or contracts demanding examination and other documents of the Client, modeling of an economic situation of the Client, assessment of risks of the Client, optimization of the taxation, choice of an optimal variant of actions, etc.
- labor-consuming questions: with writing of accounting transactions under concrete situations of the Client, filling of declarations, performance of calculations, etc.
- forecast of positions of supervisory authorities or bodies of judicial authority in case of trial
- questions which aren't settled legislatively.
Consultations are not provided on issues related to:
- provision of legal, audit and other similar consultations, including analysis of a specific situation or study of the client's documents, selection of the optimal taxation scheme and/or assessment of legal risks;
- analysis of normative acts and/or preparation of reviews of normative and/or judicial acts;
- housing, family, labor, criminal, social (social payments and guarantees), inheritance cases and economic situations of individuals (private matters);
- legislation of foreign states;
- assessment of actions (inaction) of state and judicial bodies and their officials, decisions taken by them;
- updating of copyrighted materials;
- mathematical calculations based on the data provided by the Client
- using the 1C program and other software;
- definition of depreciation group, All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories, All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Budget classification Codes, Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, All-Russian Classifier of Occupations, other classifiers;
as well as issues requiring special knowledge and/or practical experience in specific activities (construction and urban planning, oil and gas industry, notary, insurance, banking, licensing and other licensing activities, advocacy, customs regulation, brokerage, auditing, pharmaceuticals, currency regulation, legislation on countering the legalization of proceeds from crime, etc.), or non-specific issues (for example, containing a plurality of conditions).
The form of the provision of services.
- Written consultation — written answer to the Client's question found in materials of System ConsultantPlus in the form of endurance from the standard of the legislation regulating legal relationship from a question, excerpts and/or a selection from other materials of System ConsultantPlus. A written response is sent on e-mail of the Client.
The answer is given based on the materials included in the ConsultantPlus System related to the Client's question.
The provided Consultation (information collection) is of a reference (informational) nature and does not prevent the Client from being guided by the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation that differ from the interpretation set out in the expert's response. The Client makes the final decision on the issue independently.
Information on issues that require special knowledge or experience, issues that do not fall within the competence of the "Consultation Line", is provided in the form of a selection of materials of the ConsultantPlus System in the amount of up to 10 documents (if available in the ConsultantPlus System), on the basis of which the Client can make a decision. A selection of documents is provided without expert conclusions.
The number of services "Line of consultations" - are 3 (tркуу) consultations in month:
The transfer and accumulation of unused consultations is not provided, but we reserve the right to answer the Client's questions more than three times a month based on the workload of our specialists.
Terms of providing service – 1-2 working days from the moment of receiving a question.
In case of receiving the inquiry containing several questions and/or the question which is beyond the present Regulation and/or unambiguously not settled legislatively the expert contacts the contact person of Client for the purpose of inquiry specification.
If the provision of services "Line of consultations" at the request of the Client impossible, the Client can be provided with the materials Consultant in the form of a collection of documents (on the subject matter or keywords).
Examples of the formalized questions:
- At what income the right for application of the simplified tax system is lost? What consequences of excess of this limit?
- Last working day of the employee to which the replaceable mode of working hours is set gets on the day off. To dismiss this employee in what day?
- Is it truth that since September, 2014 all types of Joint-stock Companies are obliged to book obligatory audit?
- What sizes of new penalties for not carrying out special assessment of working conditions since January, 2015?
- How to pay compensation for an unused holiday (in 5 years) at dismissal?
- How to consider acquisition of the main funds for the simplified tax system?
- What is the current amount of the minimum wage (for calculation of hospital)?
You can also ask a question to the "Line of consultations" having filled a form.