The ConsultantPlus company has released a new product "NTA on labor protection and fire safety at offices and shopping center". The system contains normative and technical acts (state standard specifications, standard instructions for labor protection, standards of fire safety, sets of rules leading documents, Construction Norms and Regulations, methodical grants and others), orders, orders, instructions and letters of state agencies regulating questions of labor protection and fire safety. For example, how to choose the fire extinguisher how to perform works at the height of 1 m and above, etc.
With the help of the new product, specialists in labor protection, fire safety and lawyers will be able to properly build processes, develop internal documents and regulations, successfully pass inspections. This is especially important now, when the security of organizations is given a lot of attention by the regulatory authorities.
The new system will be useful in business and office centers, management companies, catering, retail, entertainment centers, cinemas, sports clubs, hotels, consumer services companies and many other companies.
The new product "NTA on labor protection and fire safety in offices and shopping center" complements the information available in the system ConsultantPlus on these topics. In addition to regulatory and technical acts, specialists will find more than 1,500 consultations and ready-made solutions with practical recommendations and instructions in the consultant.
About new system you can learn from experts of Regional center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.