In noncommercial mobile applications "ConsultantPlus: Main documents" ( and "ConsultantPlus: The student" ( it is possible to specify quickly results of advanced search or the list of documents with a mention of norm on button i now. At the top of the list there is a search bar where you can enter a query for clarification. Search in the list will help you quickly find the right material among dozens, and sometimes thousands of documents.
For example, the list by button "i" with a mention of article 506 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ("Contract of delivery") includes more than 95 thousand documents. For specification of the list we will set in a search line a phrase "exchange difference", and we will receive 2 definitions of the Supreme arbitration court and about 120 solutions of various vessels and instances concerning claims on execution of the contract of delivery in connection with an exchange difference.
Mobile application "ConsultantPlus: The main documents" (for iOS, Android and Windows) contains codes of the Russian Federation, the main legal acts of the federal legislation and also reviews of new documents and reference materials. Application "ConsultantPlus: The student" (for iOS, Android), besides legal information (codes, laws), judicial practice, consultations, includes modern textbooks by right, to finance, economy and accounting.
Detailed information about mobile applications ConsultantPlus -
It is also possible to know about noncommercial mobile applications ConsultantPlus from experts of Regional center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.