Dear ladies and gentlemen!
We invite You to take part in complex training in effective work of users with systems ConsultantPlus. For this purpose we — an Official distributor of ConsultantPlus Network — LLC "Business Consulting — LAbIT" — hold the training seminars-practical works in an educational class of our specialized business partner. The training seminars are intended for specialists of the enterprises and the organizations of various forms of ownership, heads, accountants, auditors, economists, financiers, lawyers, the staff of human resources departments, specialists of budgetary organizations.
Training seminars-practical works are held in specially equipped classes of private educational institution of additional professional education "Academy of professional education" to the address:
Surgut, street "50 let VLKSM", house 1, office 807 and 808.
ATTENTION! Participation in the training seminars-practical works for clients of LLC "Business Consulting — LAbIT" is FREE!!!
After termination of complex training you will recieve personalized Certificate confirming ability of users to work with LRS ConsultantPlus.

You can issue pre-entry for participation in the training seminars-practical works, having called our specialists by phones: +7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-70-26, 45-50-09 and also having sent the e-mail to the address:
HURRY!!! The number of places on online seminars is limited!
Location map:

Address: Surgut, street "50 let VLKSM", house 1, office 807 and 808.