It contains state standards and other regulatory and technical documents*.
The bank includes standards of technical regulation in the main sectors of the economy:
- food industry, light industry, feed and microbiological industry;
- crop and livestock production;
- mechanical engineering;
- fuel and energy complex (TEK);
- medicine and pharmacy;
- metrology, certification and standardization, and also technospheric safety;
- transport and communication;
- electronics and electrical equipment;
- metallurgy;
- labor protection.
* Please note that building codes and regulations are included in the information bank "Construction", and in this bank does not include.
Addressed to:
- lawyers;
- specialists in the field of occupational safety and health, certification and standardization bodies;
- engineers;
- other professionals who require regulatory and technical information.
Delivery options:
It is supplied free of charge with the information bank "Expert-application".
Updating of information: