Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

IB "Construction"

The specifications and technical documentation connected with construction, town planning and architecture: SNiP (construction norms and regulations), SNiR (estimated rules and rates), GOST (state standard), GOSTr (system of national state quality standards), VSN (departmental building codes), GSN (state construction supervision), GSNr (building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation), GESN (state elemental estimate standards), GESNr (normative modification of GESN), GESNm (normative modification of GESN), GESNp (normative modification of GESN), ENIR (common standards and rates), MDS (methodical documentation in construction), NPB (fire safety standards), FER (federal unit rates), FERr (normative modification of FER), SP (set of rules) and other documents.

Possibilities of search:

Card search of information bank generally coincides with the Card search of section "Legislation", but there is a difference - field "Subject qualifier", which dictionary based on the special thematic qualifier developed for the Bank. This allows you to conduct a thematic search of documents, taking into account the specifics of the content of the information Bank "Construction".

Addressed to:

  • organizations operating in the field of construction and related fields;
  • large organizations operating buildings (offices, workshops, etc.).

Delivery options:

It is delivered separately.

Updating of information:
