Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

Russian legislation (Version Prof)

Federal legislation: laws and bylaws; legal acts of explanatory character and law-enforcement acts of a general meaning and also the acts of branch value connected with economic and financial activity of the organizations.

Contains the federal legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • normative acts of the Russian Federation regulating all kinds of economic activities;
  • acts of official explanation of the existing rules regulating separate fields of activity;
  • other legal acts of the general character and acts of branch value;
  • laws of the USSR and other regulations of the Soviet period which are of interest now.

In bank all branches of the legislation governing the public relations in all fields of activity are presented.

Addressed to:

  • all experts working with legal information.Варианты поставки:

Consultant Business is delivered separately and also as a part of systems: "Version Prof", "Consultant Budgetary organizations: Version Prof", "ConsultantLawyer: Version Prof".