Analysis of jurisprudence on disputes arising when employees are dismissed on various grounds. Positions of courts of different regions, views of experts in the field of labour law are presented.
Considered a controversial situation at dismissal of workers on various grounds:
- due to reduction of number or staff;
- Due to the appearance of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication in the workplace;
- for a truancy;
- according to the test results;
- in connection with numerous default by the worker of labour duties
and others.
For each situation are presented:
- description of the dispute, indicating the important circumstances affecting the outcome of the trial;
- brief analysis of judicial practice, positions of courts;
- annotations of court decisions (employee's requirements, circumstances of the case, conclusion of the court and its justification) and / or expert consultations;
- references to the full texts of court decisions and expert consultations.
A separate section of the Guide is devoted to the consequences for the employer, depending on the court decision.
Addressed to:
- lawyers specializing in labor law,
- professionals who are faced with the need to participate in the proceedings on the labor dispute.
Delivery options:
The guide is delivered as a part of systems "Consultant Business: Version Prof", "Consultant Budgetary organizations: Version Prof", "ConsultantLawyer: Version Prof", "ConsultantLawyer", "Consultant Business".
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