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ConsultantPlus Technology TOP

In new Technology TOP - there is own profile for each user: accountant, lawyer, specialist of budgetary organization, procurement specialist and also universal.Own profile is the homepage, a news feed, special hints and search results which are adjusted under the expert's tasks 

Технология ТОП

Профиль "Бухгалтерия и кадры"  Profile "Accounts department and personnel"


Homepage for the accountant

Important documents: Tax and Labor codes, law about accounting etc.

Reference information: production calendar, calendar of the accountant, form of account and reporting, etc.

News for the accountant

In system there is available the news feed to the accountant. The news feed is updated several times a day (in the presence of the Internet). Important news are allocated.

Search results for the accountant

The answers addressed to the accountant are issued the first in the list. At input of inquiry special accounting hints appear.

Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для бухгалтера_значокPersonal homepage and news feed for the accountant


Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для бухгалтера_650

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи бухгалтера_значокSearch results adapt to professional tasks of the accountant


Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи бухгалтера_650


Профиль "Юрист"  Profile "Lawyer"


Homepage for the lawyer

Important documents: Civil code (1, 2, 3, 4 parts), Labor code, Code of Administrative offences etc.

Reference information: the legal calendar, rates on the state duty, etc.

News for the lawyer

In system there is available the news feed to the lawyer. The news feed is updated several times a day (in the presence of the internet).

Search results for the lawyer

First in the list are given more important for a lawyer documents. At input of inquiry special hints for the lawyer appear.

Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для юриста_значокPersonal homepage and news feed for the lawyer


Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для юриста_650

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи юриста_значокSearch results adapt to professional tasks of the lawyer


Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи юриста_650 


Профиль "Бухгалтерия и кадры бюджетной организации"_значок  Profile "Accounts department and personnel of budgetary organization"

Homepage for the financial specialist of budgetary organization

Important documents: Instruction by the Unified plan of accounts of 157n, Order by the budgetary classification of 65n etc.

Reference information: production calendar, professional standards, code of the budgetary classification of income, forms of tax accounting, etc.

News to the financial specialist of budgetary organization

In system there is available the news feed to the specialist of budgetary organization. The news feed is updated several times a day (in the presence of the internet). Important news are allocated.

Search results for the financial specialist of budgetary organization

Answers addressed to the financial specialist of budgetary organization are issued the first in the list. At input of inquiry special hints appear.

Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для финансового специалиста бюджетной организации_значокPersonal homepage and news feed for the financial specialist of budgetary organization

Персональная стартовая страница и лента новостей для финансового специалиста бюджетной организации_650

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под задачи финансового специалиста бюджетной организации_значокSearch results adapt to tasks of the financial specialist of budgetary organization

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под задачи финансового специалиста бюджетной организации_650


Профиль "Специалист по закупкам"_значок  Profile "Procurement specialist"


Homepage for the procurement specialist

Important documents: the laws N 44-FZ "About contract system...", N 223-FZ "About purchases...", the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of N 471-r "List of Goods, Works, Services for Electronic Auctions on 44-FZ" etc.

Reference information: licensed kinds of activity, rules at the conclusion of public contracts, etc.

News to the procurement specialist

In system there is available the news feed to the procurement specialist. The news feed is updated several times a day (in the presence of the internet).

Search results for the procurement specialist

The documents addressed first of all to procurement specialists are issued the first in the list. At input of inquiry special profile hints appear.

Персональная стартовая страница с лентой новостей для специалиста по закупкам_значокPersonal homepage with a news feed for the procurement specialist

Персональная стартовая страница с лентой новостей для специалиста по закупкам_650

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи специалиста по закупкам_значокSearch results adapt to professional tasks of the procurement specialist

Результаты поиска подстраиваются под профессиональные задачи специалиста по закупкам_650

New opportunities of Technology TOP

Useful changes in Fast search, new submission of documents and other key innovations will simplify work

New interface

Processed homepage simplifies access to important information. The top panel was reduced to one line. On her the most popular tools are placed: Fast search, codes, reference information, etc. ("More" button opens all list of available tools).

History of search remains in the magazine now.

Improvements in Fast search

In the document - from hints

System allows to pass into the text of the document on the navigation hint quickly. For example, begin to enter in a search box of "Tax Code of the Russian Federation" (Tax Code), and in the dropping-out list the first references to the code will appear.

Instant search results

Now by search the first several documents appear almost instantly, before the end of search. They can already be studied while the complete list is formed.

Evident registration of search delivery

References to documents in search results became more evident. Document heading (a substantial part of the reference) and the information about him (edition, a source etc.) take place on separate lines.

Additionally, the header highlighted in blue, and the search coincidence in it - and even bold.

Innovations in documents

Navigation headings

Now the heading of the document or its part is fixed in the beginning of the page and helps to see what fragment is studied by the user. Having clicked on such heading, it is possible to pass to the beginning of the section, head or article quickly.

To add in "Favourites"

Now to add the current paragraph in "favorites" by clicking on the "star" icon next to the paragraph on which the cursor is positioned. Put the cursor on the title of the document, and it is entirely fall into the "favorites".

Automatic comparison of editions

The link from the text "See text in the previous edition" is now automatically launches the document comparison with the previous version, it saves time.

Easy setting of the width of the sheet

In Technology TOP text is presented in the form of a habitual leaf (as in Word) whom it is possible to adjust width, having pulled for edge.

Новые возможности технологии ТОП