Contains documents (decisions, resolutions, definitions) Intellectual Property rights court. It is arbitration court of the first and cassation instances, considers the disputes connected with protection of the intellectual rights for territories of Russia.
In information bank decisions are submitted:
- on patent disputes;
- on disputes about trademarks;
- on disputes about copyright;
- on disputes about commercial designations and trade names;
- others.
Addressed to::
- jurists and lawyers;
- staff of bodies of the government;
- other experts whose activity is connected with protection of intellectual property.
Delivery options:
Delivered with the system "ConsultantJudicialPractice: Decisions of the supreme courts".
It is possible to supply in the framework of the "Consultant Business: Version Prof", "Consultant Budgetary organization: Version Prof", "ConsultantLawyer: Version Prof".
Updating of information: