Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

The president of Russia has congratulated ConsultantPlus on the 25 anniversary

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The president of Russia has noted a big contribution of the ConsultantPlus company to formation of legal culture and distribution of information.

"Comprehensive legal, analytical, and advisory materials that you provide to your users, as well as comments on the legislation to help the hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens to achieve good results in studies, science, business, legislative, and judicial activities, defending their rights and freedoms," - said in greeting.

Company "ConsultantPlus" stood at the origins of the modern Russian legal reference systems. Today it is the most popular LRS (study of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion 2016). Modern technologies used in system ConsultantPlus make finding information fast and accurate, search results appear almost instantly (and the system already has more than 107 million documents). System mobile - you can choose offline, online, flash version and use it where needed.

Professional profiles allow to customize system under tasks of the specific expert. Company materials ConsultantPlus - standard situations, Guides, designers of contracts and accounting policies - save time of users for the solution of the most different tasks.

Users of ConsultantPlus has a personal service. At once from system it is possible to ask a question to the line of consultations, the set of other useful services is available. The service network ConsultantPlus covers all Russia - both the large cities, and small settlements.
