In april, Offline version of System ConsultantPlus was updated. On the Right panel in texts of documents there were new notes, the major practice to articles of legal acts is allocated in the separate review, service of Video. Consultant became available on the homepage in all profiles of System. Innovations will help experts to work effectively with legal information and to understand how to put the legislation into practice.
The major innovation - notes on the Right panel. They contain the most important information on application of legal acts.
Notes may contain:
- the main conclusions from practice of use of norm;
- positions of vessels and departments;
- references to standard situations and ready decisions;
- references to models of filling of documents.
Notes are placed pointwise, opposite to the necessary fragment, and when scrolling the text change. Studying texts of legal acts, you see at once what to pay attention to that else needs to be considered how it is correct to fill out documents. The lawyer will be able to see positions of vessels and state agencies at once and to study the major practice to article. The accountant or the HR specialist can pass to practical with recommendations or to models of filling of documents.
All information in notes is relevant, it is regularly updated and supplemented. Now you don't miss important conclusions from practice and you will be able without fears to apply documents. We will note that functions of the Right panel, habitual for users, are kept too (the reference, the table of contents, editions, etc.).
One more innovation is a review "The major practice under article", the reference to which has appeared in notes to documents on the Right panel. All main conclusions from practice are also visually presented in the review compactly (the supreme courts, a position of vessels and state agencies), explanations and reviews of disputes for the last 3 years are made. It is clear, what situations of use of norm to what outcome they will lead can be. Such reviews are prepared for the most important articles of regulations - it is about 800 documents.
Service of Video Consultant, wich popular for users in the updated System ConsultantPlus became available to various experts. On the Homepage it is possible to follow the link of Videoseminara to video records with answers to questions or reviews of important changes. The reference has appeared in all professional profiles (we will remind that them 5 in System). Depending on the chosen profile the scope of seminars changes - for the lawyer, the accountant of commercial or budgetary organization, the specialist of HR department, the procurement specialist. On average in a week there are 2 new videos on topical issues. In total more than 110 video seminars are prepared. As authors of seminars representatives of the ministries and departments often act.
Details about the new features in the ConsultantPlus System and access to innovations can be learned from experts of Regional center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.