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Constructor of accounting policy for centralized accounting departments in the ConsultantPlus system

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The ConsultantPlus System includes a new "Constructor of accounting policy" - for centralized accounting departments in the budget. The Constructor will help you create a unified accounting policy for accounting and budget accounting purposes - for any budget level when accounting for institutions of any type.

In the Constructor, you can select the organizational and legal forms of accounting entities that are serviced in centralized accounting, as well as the type of centralized accounting. Based on this, questions will be proposed that take into account the peculiarities of all types of accounting entities, and the corresponding formulations of a unified accounting policy.

The Сonstructor contains 18 sections:

  • organizational provisions;
  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • unproduced assets;
  • material stocks;
  • biological assets;
  • non-financial objects of the treasury;
  • cost, etc.

After filling in all the fields, the Constructor will create a document with ready-made formulations, and all the Appendices to it. The accounting policy template can be transferred to Word.

The Constructor will be useful for centralized accounting departments and accounting (budget) centers accounting and maintenance. Thanks to the choice of conditions, it is possible to create a single accounting policy, which will take into account all the nuances of the financial and economic activities of the serviced budget organizations and
authorities. Warnings and recommendations will appear when selecting conditions. They contain links to regulations, letters from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, and other materials in ConsultantPlus with detailed explanations on the preparation of accounting policies.

It is important that the information in the Constructor is constantly updated. Changes in legislation that have entered into force are taken into account in the accounting policy for the current year. If you save the accounting policy template in the Constructor, then in case of changes in legislation, the ConsultantPlus System will offer to take them into
account in the new version of the document. By repeating the conditions of the finished accounting policy, you can use the Constructor to check it for relevance and compliance with the legislation.

About the "Constructor of accounting policy"

The "Constructor of accounting policy" in ConsultantPlus is a tool that will help you create from scratch or check an existing accounting policy of an organization. With the help of the Constructor, commercial and budgetary organizations can create accounting policies for the purposes of accounting (budget) accounting and taxation (General and Simplified Taxation Systems), and now for centralized accounting departments. Accounting policies for 2023 are already included in the Constructor, they reflect changes in legislation that need to be applied in the new year.

Working with the Constructor is simple:

  • choose the type of accounting policy;
  • you mark the necessary conditions (from the proposed options);
  • you get an accounting policy template with ready-made formulations.

Applications to the Accounting Policy are generated automatically.

For more information about the "Constructor of accounting policy" and the preparation of a unified accounting policy for centralized accounting departments, please contact with specialists of the Regional Center of the ConsultantPlus Network by phone in Moscow: +7 (499) 431-91-15, +7 (499) 431-91-16, +7 (499) 431-91-17, +7 (499) 431-91-18, +7 (495) 781-07-83, +7 (495) 781-07-84 and in Surgut: + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, + 7 (3462) 45-50-09, + 7 (3462) 45-70-26, + 7 (3462) 45-62-24, + 7 (3462) 45-70-98.