Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

Annual accounting and tax reporting without errors with the ConsultantPlus!

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Materials in System ConsultantPlus will help to hand over the annual reporting for 2016 without mistakes:

  • new practical guide for commercial and budgetary organizations that contain step-by-step instructions for preparing accounting forms and examples of their filling;
  • guidelines for completing tax returns (with examples) for the main taxes (VAT, profit tax, personal income tax, imputed income, etc.);
  • typical situations with answers to the questions on the annual accounts;
  • books and articles by popular authors on this subject;
  • reference information.

In the new "Practical guide on annual accounting reports - 2016" in "the Guidebook to taxes" line by line, the order of filling:

  • accounting balance sheet;
  • report on financial results;
  • report of changes in equity;
  • report on movement of funds;
  • explanations to the balance sheet and the statement of financial performance.

In a guide all changes of the legislation, including an explanation of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation about the simplified system of accounting and the reporting are considered, and also the order of filling of the simplified reporting forms is considered. The unique section "Agreement of Indicators" will help to check whether the reporting is correctly created. He contains tables of correspondences of indicators of all forms of accounting reports.

Information on the financial statements in the System are easy to find on request "annual financial statements". Take into account all changes to the budget organizations (they changed the reporting structure and procedures for completing some forms) will help "guide to the budgetary account and taxes". It collected information on the financial statements of budgetary and autonomous institutions and budget statements of budget users.

System the ConsultantPlus contains explanations on tax return preparation with examples of their filling for all the main taxes: VAT, profit tax, personal income tax, UTII, USN, tax on property of organizations, etc. for Example, the query "example of VAT return" you can get the fill pattern, shape and model the situation with the explanation.

Also in System there are standard situations with short and clear answers to popular questions according to the reporting. For example, how to correct errors in accounting and the reporting how to consider events after reporting date, etc.

In addition it is possible to know about preparation of the reporting in books of the famous authors: "The annual report of 2016" by T. L. Krutyakova and "The annual report of 2016" under the general edition of V. I. Meshcheryakov. And in System there is necessary reference information which will help by preparation of the annual reporting (a calendar of the accountant, a rate of taxes, all forms of the reporting in one convenient table, etc.).

In more detail about all materials for preparation of the reporting it is possible to know in the Regional center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.