The ConsultantPlus company has released the new product on financial audits for budget organizations - "Financial control in the budgetary sphere". The innovation will help to prepare for inspections of the Accounts Chamber, the Federal Treasury, control and accounting bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
The innovation contains 65 materials on inspections of external and internal state (municipal) control and on departmental control conducted by the founder.
state (municipal) control and on departmental control carried out by the founder. It does not matter whether you are an experienced specialist or only beginning to study the question, with ConsultantPlus it will be much easier to understand all the nuances.
"Financial control in the budgetary sphere" is Ready-made solutions, forms of documents, samples of filling:
- practical situations on a specific subject of inspections;
- reviews of deficiencies and violations identified during inspections;
- information from classifiers of violations (risks) in the financial and budgetary sphere;
- references to the letters of the Treasury of Russia and the submission of the Accounting Fee of the Russian Federation, judicial practice.
Financial control bodies may check the legality, expediency and efficiency of receipt and use of budgetary funds in any budgetary organization, including those that distribute budgetary funds to other organizations. Although there is a moratorium on most inspections, it does not apply to state (municipal) financial control. Moreover, special attention is paid to this type of control by the state. attention on the part of the state.
Thanks to the new product from ConsultantPlus, financial specialists in the public sector, lawyers, procurement specialists, heads of institutions will receive up-to-date verified information:
- how to prepare for audits by financial control authorities;
- how to challenge violations recorded in the act of the supervisory authority;
- how to properly maintain documentation;
- what types of liability are stipulated by the legislation and how to avoid it;
- what experience other budgetary organizations have in audits of financial activities and property.
Materials are updated every day.
Experts of the regional center of the ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" will tell you more about the new product "Financial control in the budgetary sphere" by phone in Moscow : +7 (499) 431-91-15, +7 (499) 431-91-16, +7 (499) 431-91-17, +7 (499) 431-91-18, +7 (495) 781-07-83, +7 (495) 781-07-84 and in Surgut: + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, + 7 (3462) 45-50-09, + 7 (3462) 45-70-26, + 7 (3462) 45-62-24, + 7 (3462) 45-70-98.