Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

Simple and fast information search

In system ConsultantPlus there are several instruments of search developed especially for work with legal information:

  • Fast search;
  • Search card;
  • Legal navigator.

Fast search

The easiest way of search of documents in system ConsultantPlus suitable for the majority of situations:

  • the inquiry is entered by a simple language;
  • it is possible to specify requisites of the document which needs to be found (for example, "the Letter of the Ministry of Finance 66n", or "Article 115 of Civil Code of the Russian Federation");
  • it is possible to use professional lexicon (for example, "simplified tax system", "sick-list") or reductions (for example, SFS (simplified tax system));
  • the found documents are submitted by the general short list, at the same time it is possible to construct the complete list and to divide the found documents on types (the legislation, consultations, etc.);
  • the found documents are sorted by importance.

Результат Быстрого поиска информации о налоговом вычете на обучение

Search card

It is convenient to use a card of search if it is necessary to set several various conditions of search, most often it is necessary, when there is no exact information on the document. For example, it is possible to limit date of adoption of the document - to specify the period, the type of the document which has accepted body, subject and so on.

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Legal navigator

It is convenient to use the legal navigator if it is difficult to formulate a search query and it is possible to call literally 1-2 words relating to a situation.

  • The indication of requisites of documents isn't required;
  • Keywords suggested by the system ConsultantPlus, and they are given in plain language;
  • The filter allows to find quickly the necessary concept and by that to narrow the field of search.

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