Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

Guides of ConsultantPlus

Guides of ConsultantPlus are the unique analytical materials describing an order of the solution of the majority of practical questions which arise in work of experts - accountants, lawyers, the budgetary experts, personnel officers.

Guides allow to orient quickly in an unfamiliar question, to learn an operations procedure or to estimate risks when several options of actions are possible.

All information is presented in the form, convenient for work, and includes:

  • simple and clear explanations;
  • recommendations, how to work;
  • position of the courts and the conclusions of judicial decisions;
  • assessment of risks;
  • practical examples;
  • references to legal acts, explanations of departments, jurisprudence and forms of documents;
  • samples of filling of forms of documents.

Guides are updated daily. All important changes in the legislation and jurisprudence at once are reflected in them - in materials there are warnings that the situation on a case in point has changed and the operations procedure can be another now, references to new documents are added, positions and conclusions of courts are specified.

How Guides are prepare

For preparation and updating of Guides experts study ConsultantPlus and analyze a huge array of information - hundreds and even thousands of documents: laws, judgments, explanations of experts. As a result of such analysis on each practical question experts reveal various points of view, consequences of different options of actions.

The user relying on the Guide Consultant, much faster gets an idea of how to act in specific practical situations. Of course, this procedure can be justified by reference to the necessary legal acts and other documents, if necessary, provide examples of calculations and the required documents.

Why Guides are better than public materials

Unlike the mass of public materials, Guides ConsultantPlus consider the last changes in the legislation, new judgments, explanations of departments and experts. Working with Guides, users can be sure that they receive not only all necessary, but also relevant information.

Guides ConsultantPlus

Articles and answers from the Internet

Information you can trust Reliability of information is not obvious
Always relevant Relevance requires verification
Different solutions. Take into account all aspects of the question One position — author's. It is unknown ,everything details are considered or not
References to all primary sources and additional materials (acts, forms, etc.) Primary sources and additional materials should be looked for independently

Guides ConsultantPlus for experts

Pass into the Guide interesting you to obtain detailed information.

To the accountant

Guide to taxes
Guide to transactions
Guide to personnel questions

To the budgetary organization

Guide to the budgetary account and taxes
Guide to personnel questions
Guide to contract system in the sphere of purchases
Guide to disputes in the sphere of purchases

To the lawyer

Guide to contractual work
Guide to jurisprudence (Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
Guide to corporate procedures
Guide to corporate disputes
Guide to state services for legal entities
Guide to labor disputes
Guide to disputes in the sphere of purchases
Guide to contract system in the sphere of purchases

To the personnel officer

Guide to personnel questions
Guide to labor disputes