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IB "Guidebook by contract system in procurement"

Step-by-step recommendations about procurement procedures under the rules of Federal Law N 44-FZ. Explanations of all phases, sample documents, case studies and other useful information on procurement issues.

Subjects are considered:

  • holding an electronic auction;
  • holding an open competition;
  • carrying out request for quotation;
  • purchase at the only supplier (the contractor, the performer);
  • preparation of the technical project;
  • formation and justification of the initial (maximum) contract price

and other.

For each stage mandatory actions, conditions of their carrying out and terms are allocated, a list of necessary documents is given. Detailed information on the content of documents to be drawn up: form, mandatory information, by whom is drawn up and signed, date of signing. There are examples and links to sample documents.

Addressed to:

  • lawyers;
  • procurement specialists (both the organizations - participants of purchases, and customers).

Delivery options:

The guide is delivered as part of the "Consultant Business: Version Prof", "Consultant Budgetary organisations: Version Prof", "ConsultantLawyer: Version Prof", "Consultant Business", "Consultant Budgetary organisations" systems.

Updating of information:
