Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

IB "Correspondence of Accounts"

Schemes of accounting transactions in which the order of accounting of separate operations and possible tax consequences is considered. For the organizations keeping account according to the general plan of accounts.

Subjects are considered:

  • Accounting of reserves on doubtful debts
  • Accounting of expenses of future periods
  • Accounting of calculations for separate types of contracts
  • Accounting of calculations for claims, etc.

Each scheme includes the description of a financial and economic situation, detailed standard justification of her decision, explanation of tax consequences, the table of records on accounts of accounting (table of conductings).

By references from the text of justification and the table of accounting transactions it is possible to pass into texts of normative documents and also into forms of primary registration documents specified in the scheme.

Practically all schemes are prepared especially for users ConsultantPlus - they aren't in other sources of information.

Addressed to:

  • accountants;
  • auditors;
  • lawyers of the organizations keeping account according to the general plan of accounts.

Delivery options:

Delivered separately or as part of the system "Consultant Accountant Version Prof".

Updating of information:
