Business Consulting-LabIT
Limited Liability Company
A member of a national network dissemination of legal information ConsultantPlus

In legal-reference system ConsultantPlus has appeared new online bank "Archive of Decisions of FAS and OFAS"

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In legal-reference system ConsultantPlus has appeared new online bank "Archive of FAS Decisions and OFAS". He contains the documents of antimonopoly authorities (Federal Antimonopoly Service and territorial administrations of FAS) accepted by results of hearing of cases about violations of the law in various branches.

In new archive extensive administrative practice of antimonopoly authorities on many questions is placed:

  • abuse of a dominant position;
  • violations of the law in the sphere of advertizing;
  • violation of the law about advertizing, etc.

These are more than 182 thousand decisions, instructions, resolutions, definitions, the conclusions of FAS and OFAS. The archive will be regularly replenished with new documents.

Documents of FAS will help experts to get acquainted with urgent administrative practice of FAS, to see how the antitrust law is put into practice in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, to plan economic activity so that antimonopoly risks were minimum.

New online bank supplements the block of documents of the antimonopoly authorities included in information bank "Decisions of State Agencies on Disputable Situations" and is provided free of charge to all users of system ConsultantPlus working with this bank. Work with archive will require the Internet.

In detail it is possible to know about new online bank "Archive of FAS Decisions and OFAS" in the regional center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.