Advantages of online access:
- quick update. You can work with your offline kit online. The system is updated several times a day, without delays;
- the search speed is higher. Since the information is online, local network resources are not spent;
- more judicial practice online. In the section" Judicial practice " there will be decisions of arbitration courts of the first instance and decisions of district and regional courts of general jurisdiction, which were previously available only in the archive. The exact scope of the expansion depends on the composition of the Judicial Practice Systems in the network access.
Working with judicial practice will also become more convenient in online access:
- decisions from the archives can be seen in the search results along with other judicial practice;
- these solutions are also available in the lists by the "i" button from the texts of legal acts;
- the "i" buttons with additional information to judicial acts, hyperlinks to other legal acts and court decisions will work in the texts of decisions;
- The case review history, annotations, and other ConsultantPlus tools will appear.
Judicial practice in the offline network kit | What WILL BE ADDED to online access (maximum-up to 78 million solutions) |
All arbitration courts of the districts | Arbitration courts of the first instance of all districts |
Arbitration Court of the District | Arbitration courts of the first instance of the district |
Cassation and regional courts of general jurisdiction of all districts | Expanded scope of decisions of regional Courts of General Jurisdiction + decisions of district courts of all districts |
Cassation and regional courts of general jurisdiction of the district | Expanded scope of decisions of regional Courts of General Jurisdiction + decisions of district courts of the district |
You can switch to the Online version of the System by clicking the "Switch to the Online version" button in the start window.
For more information about online access from online versions, please contact with the specialists of the Regional Center of ConsultantPlus Network - LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.