New development "ConsultantPlus TOP Technology: your optimum profile" allows to customize System under tasks of experts: accountants, lawyers, financial specialists of budgetary organizations and procurement specialists.
The profile is developed for each of them:
- Accounting and HR
- Lawyer
- Accounting and personnel budget of the organization
- Procurement specialist
Also have the profile "Universal". Each profile has its own home page, news, special tips and search results.
So, in the profile "Finance and personnel" on the home page in the "Important documents" included Tax and Labor codes, the law on accounting, and in "Background information" - production calendar, accounting calendar, accounting and reporting. For comparison, in the profile "lawyer" is a Civil code and Code of administrative offences, as well as legal calendar, rates and stamp duty etc., Similarly the specialists of public organizations, procurement professionals can quickly navigate to critical documents.
In System you can find professional online news feeds for accountants, lawyers, financiers of budgetary organizations and procurement specialists. News are updated several times a day in the presence of the Internet, important news are allocated.
At input of inquiry special hints appear, and, for example, accounting hints will differ from hints for lawyers.
Search results also take into account the user profile. In the profile, "Finance and personnel" responses addressed to the accountant, will be the first in the list (for example, Guides for the accountant or a typical situation). In the profile "Lawyer" at the request of the first to be offered the documents for lawyers (legal acts, court practice Guides with recommendations and analysis of judicial practice).
Besides, with TOP Technology the System interface the ConsultantPlus is completely updated, there were other useful opportunities which facilitate operation. Changes concerned the homepage of System, bystry search and its results, submission of the text of the document and opportunities of operation with it. So, now one click it is possible to add information to "Favorites", to launch comparing of editions or to pass into the beginning of the document or its part. In search results the first documents appear almost instantaneous, and they can already be studied while the complete list is created. And links to documents in search results became much more evident.
Information can also be obtained at specialists of the regional service center ConsultantPlus LLC "Business Consulting-LabIT" by phone in Moscow + 7 (495) 781-07-83 and Surgut + 7 (3462) 45-50-08, 45-50-09, 45-70-26.